What makes us different?
Security Guard verses Security Officer​
How are the two different? Any time you talk about personal security the terms used can be different. Guard or Officer? Which one is correct? The truth is in our company we use the term officer to distinguish that we are highly trained, professional and follow our company code of ethics. Our team functions like a family. We stress training, communication, and team work. Many other companies only see their employees as workers. We find the family approach as a way to teach our team to care about all aspects of the job. From the part-time report writers to the President of the company. All team members are important. We use positive motivation and rewards to show how truly grateful we are to have each member on the payroll. Our team is more then just employees, each one is necessary to complete our company goals.
10-Things that require zero talent
1. Being on time
2. Work ethic
3. Effort
4. Body language
5. Energy
6. Attitude
7. Passion
8. Being coach-able
9. Doing extra
10. Being prepared
What is Leadership
selfless service
personal courage